Pastor KT Thomas, widely known as an Apostle to North India, had passed on to his eternal home in the morning of April 11, 2011. He was surrounded by his loving family at that time. As the melody of the song "samayamam rathathil njan swoga yatra cheyyunnu" was being sung by his beloved wife Marykutty and prayers were being offered, he peacefully stepped into the arms of His beloved Savior and Master, completing more than five decades of faithful ministry.

Pastor KT Thomas was instrumental in establishing hundreds of churches in North India and developing numerous leaders. He also was used by God to establish and develop India Pentecostal Church Northern Region.

He was a visionary leader, and a faithful minister of the gospel, sold out for God, always on the march to win new territories for the Lord. Combining the courage of a soldier, zeal of a pioneer, spiritual authority of an apostle, love of a father, and the discipline of an athlete, his life and calling were unique and vibrant. He loved his coworkers to the extend of being ready to do anything for their welfare, encouraging them to work for the Lord.

He is survived by his beloved wife Marykutty, children Stanly, Suja, Joji, Jiji and their families.

You are invited to record your thoughts and memories about him. It will be greatly appreciated by his family and a few entries will be selected to be read at the home-going service Saturday, April 16th.

(Note: You do not need to have a profile to be able to post. You can just select Name/URL and then type in your name and leave URL blank. Or you can select Anonymous to have no name appear.)


  1. Called to be,an Apostle shined like a lone star in in North Indian sky, a brave soldier of Lord Jesus Christ, exemplified himself as servant of God, who have received the call for rest from His labor, awaits the glorious moments to receive his exceedingly abundant reward.
    Jacob Alexander, NY

  2. Pastor Biju and Pheba Varghese, NYApril 13, 2011 at 7:28 PM

    Pastor K.T Thomas was a true apostle and valiant soldier for the gospel. He established churches in major cities in India as apostle Paul established churches in populated cities like Ephesus,Corinth and Philippi. May the Lord of peace comfort the his bereaved family.

  3. MAJOR V.I. LUKE (Retd.), HEBRON, KUMBANAD, KERALAApril 13, 2011 at 9:33 PM

    Our beloved Pastor K.T.Thomas was instrumental in reaching the Gospel to several pioneering & difficult areas of North India, facing starvation,persecution & threat to his life! He was very loving, caring and a great Apostle for Christ whom God found worthy to be used for His Kingdom expansion in unreached territories that nobody dared to tread! When I called on him last year,the grace of God writ large on his ever-smiling face was unmistakable! I praise God for the great legacy that he has left behind for us to follow! We will soon meet him in glory on that beautiful Shore!

  4. Appostle K.T. Thomas Appachan was instrumental, inspirational, loving in reaching the Gospel in North India and a great human. May the family & the warriors of IPC (NR) get the strength to handle the situation in the best way possible. May the Lord of peace comfort his bereaved family.
    David M Joseph, Secretary, IPC(NR), Patna

  5. We are sad to hear about the home going of Pastor K.T. Thomas great Apostle of North India. At the same time we are Glad that God has used him mightily in North India for His glory and that is great matter of contentment and thanksgiving. May the good Lord bless his dear ones and console them all.

    Myself and the entire Church joins me to share your sorrow and blessed hope.
    Lovingly yours,

    Pastor Finny Parayil
    IPC Kolkata Prayer Center

  6. Shaji, Shirley, DubaiApril 14, 2011 at 7:32 AM

    A Flower has faded, a light has dimmed,
    Into the eternal horizon,Our heavenly abode,
    that we all so yearn for,
    Hold that Torch Saints!Keep shining on!!

  7. We send our deepest condolence on the demise of Pastor K T Thomas. Let the everlasting peace of our God may comfort the hearts of all family members and also the Church at large.

    Pastor Benjamin Daniel & family
    office of the IPC General Secretary

  8. I take this opportunity to express heartfelt condolences from my parents Pastor P P John & Mrs. Mary John, myself and my wife Susie, my children and our entire Church, on the home-calling of our dearly respected Thomachayan. A great man of God, whom God used extensively for expansion of His kingdom in North India. This great man of God is highly privileged to have spiritual children all around the world.

    A noble soul who, on this Monday morning boldly declared
    "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith"
    and proceeded to the other shore to receive his
    "crown of righteousness", from the Lord, the righteous judge. (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

    We pray that May God bless you all with the strength and courage to bear loss of beloved father. May the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
    Philip John, Agra

  9. I take this opportunity to express heartfelt condolences from my parents Pastor P P John & Mrs. Mary John, myself and my wife Susie, my children and our entire Church, on the home-calling of our dearly respected Thomachayan. A great man of God, whom God used extensively for expansion of His kingdom in North India. This great man of God is highly privileged to have spiritual children all around the world.

    A noble soul who, on this Monday morning boldly declared
    "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith"
    and proceeded to the other shore to receive his
    "crown of righteousness", from the Lord, the righteous judge. (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

    We pray that May God bless you all with the strength and courage to bear loss of beloved father. May the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
    Philip John, Agra

  10. K. Eapen & Family, ICA NYApril 14, 2011 at 1:16 PM

    Pastor K.T. Thomas was a giant in faith, and a visionary. His contribution to the Pentecostal movement in North India will be remembered forever. He recieved the call from his Master for rest from his labor. We will meet him on that beautiful shore.

  11. Finney Thomas Joji bhiya, our deepest condolence... Jigi and finney, Conneticut

  12. Dear Brother,

    Warm Greetings in Jesus' Name!!

    We are really sad to know about the demise of our beloved brother, Pr. K. T. Thomas and am sending this condolence message with a prayer that God may grant his serene peace into the lives of all the family members.

    Pr. K. T. Thomas was an eminent servant of God who as an Apostle pioneered and mentored many churches and thousands of individuals in the vast expanse of Northern India. At this moment I would like to offer my heartfelt condolence to the entire family and pray that the Almighty God may grant His peace - the peace that passes all understanding into your lives.

    I would also like to offer condolence on behalf of the Fellowship of the Pentecostal Churches of God in India, Itarsi as its General Secretary. It would not be out of place to mention that the Lord will expand the work that was started by Pr. K. T. Thomas and will also cover many more souls under its canopy.

    The Lord brings to my mind the verse quoted in Daniel 12:13 - "As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance". The reward for God's servant Pr K. T. Thomas is going to be really great for all that he has done for the extension of God's Kingdom in the great land of India.

    May God grant you all His peace and cover you under His grace,

    Yours in Christ,

    Pr. T. K. Joseph
    General Secretary, FPCGI

  13. Pastor Finney ParayilApril 14, 2011 at 8:06 PM

    We are sad to hear about the home going of Pastor K.T. Thomas the great Apostle of North India. At the same time we are Glad that God has used him mightily in North India for His glory and that is great matter of contentment and thanksgiving. May the good Lord bless his dear ones and console them all.

    Myself and the entire Church joins me to share your sorrow and blessed hope.

    Lovingly yours,

    Pastor Finny Parayil

  14. My heartfelt condolences to the family!

    But, what blessedness to have finished the race well; for now awaits a prize and a reward that the Master Himself adorns His faithful ones!


  15. our deepest and heartfelt condolences for you and all the family members.we pray that god strengthen you and keep you in his everlasting peace..hartly and stephens hospital

  16. In the home call of Appachan, I am missing my spiritual mentor. Back in 1988 when I had just completed my first year in Hebron Bible College, in Kumband Appachan was the first person to talk with me in being faithful to the call that God had over me. He was the guest in Gandhidham convention that year.

    In 1991, Appachan called me to join IPC-NR office at Green Park. I could be there for a brief period of 4 months. It was then that the HQ building construction was launched.

    As a family we stand with you. Praying for you all. Give Ammachi our respects.

    James & Reena
    Jerry & Jeffrey

  17. Our deepest conndolences to you and your family. We will remember you in our prayers. Marvel and Bency

  18. Our condolences to you and your family.You are in our prayers

  19. Finney Andrews, AustraliaApril 14, 2011 at 8:23 PM

    Our sincere condolence to you and your family.

  20. Please accept my deepest condolences. I am praying for strength and comfort for you and your family at this time. Your father was an awesome man of God and we will always remember him as a legend!

    1. Kenneth, it's Anthony Peterson from Australia. I met you in India in 1991. Are you Kenneth Eapen from Patna, Bihar?

  21. Pastor Sam VijaysenanApril 14, 2011 at 8:25 PM

    pastor sam sorry to hear about the passing away of Dad. He was a great servant of our Lord. May God give u all the peace and comfort at this hour.

  22. our deep condolence to you and to the family. Our prayers are with you. May God bless you all with the peace,strength and courage. From Pastor R. B. Lal (First Pentecostal Church) and Joshua Lal & family

  23. Our sincere condolences and our deepest sympathies to you and your family as you deal with this great loss. May God bless you all with the peace,strength and courage

  24. keeping you all in prayers! Our sincere condolences! Carry on the good legacy that your dad left with you all! Blessings

  25. Our condolences. Our loss is heavens gain. We will meet appachan in heaven. Thats our hope. Praying for you.
    Sam & Blessy

  26. Dear Family Members, Pastors and believers of IPC NR,
    It is with great sadness that we, the India Christian Assembly family received the news that Pastor K T Thomas, apostle of North India was promoted to glory. But we also rejoice that he is with his Master for whom he has labored so hard for great many years.
    It is heartening to hear the impact this great man of God had on multitude of people and hundreds of leaders. The vast number of churches in North India is the evidence of his passion for souls and his dedication to his master. It is the result of having a big heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. The hundreds of pastors and leaders he has brought up throughout his ministry speak volumes about his selfless desire to develop able leaders and to have the ministry flourish even in the far corners of India. Hundreds of young men and women who were taken under his wings who found educational and professional opportunities in and around Delhi shows the loving heart of a caring humble servant of God. His boldness to approach any authority confirms the confidence he had in his master and the commission and authority he realized he had from his Lord.
    Godfearing children and grandchildren, several of them in the service of the God of their father and grandfather, are a great testament to the exemplary life that he has modeled before them and his passion and dedication to the gospel. His actions of selfless love to his fellow believers has had great impact on his children.
    It is very difficult, if not impossible, to replace this giant of a man as the shepherd of the numerous flocks in the fields of India. However, it is very encouraging that he had in his life time developed many leaders to carry on the work he started and continued until his very last ounce of health remained. We are sure the mantle of leadership passed on to great servants of God like Pastors Samuel John, P M John, G Joykutty and others would carry on the unfinished tasks of Pastor K T Thomas.
    We rejoice with all of you in the eternal hope that we will one day see our beloved (leader, pastor, brother, appachen ) Pastor K T Thomas in his glorious body, crowned with many crowns honoured by his Lord. We will stand with you as god leads you in the fields of India to carry on the work he has started.
    We pray that the comfort of the everlasting arms and the eternal peace from God, our father will be with all the family members as well as all who grieve the departure of this great General in the army of God. May the memories of his great life keep you moving forward in the service of the Master.
    For India Christian Assembly(New York)
    P A Samuel

  27. Jeffrey S. JohnstonApril 14, 2011 at 8:35 PM

    our family sends our deepest sympathies to you and your family, as you deal with this great loss. Psalm 116:15 "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants." May God grant you strength and sustain you as you recount the legacy of a life well lived.
    -- Jeff & Nozomi Johnston, Tokyo, Japan

  28. Pastor Freddy Thomas, PhiladelphiaApril 14, 2011 at 8:35 PM

    Pastor Appachan was a true Apostle to North India. He did lots for God's glory when not much was available. We loved him, and thank God for the privilege of having known him. May the Lord raise many for the mission field of North India. Our heartfelt condolences to the family. Pastor Freddy Thomas and Susan Thomas, Philadelphia.

  29. our deep condolence to you and to the Thomas family in this hard time, our prayers are with you, May our God almighty pour out His peace to the entire family and relatives...

  30. Praying for you and your family today. We love you and our thoughts are with you. Please extend our sincerest condolences to all especially Ammachi !! !!

  31. Our sincere condolence to you and your family. God's presence be with you during this difficult time. I know Thomachayn personally and his leadership quality was highly appreciated.
    C.G. Daniel, Mercy, Sherin & Shibin. Houston, Texas, USA

  32. I take this opportunity to express heartfelt condolences from my parents Pastor P P John & Mrs. Mary John, myself and my wife Susie, my children and our entire Church, on the home-calling of our dearly respected Thomachayan. A great man of God, whom God used extensively for expansion of His kingdom in North India. This great man of God is highly privileged to have spiritual children all around the world.

    A noble soul who, on this morning boldly declared
    "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith"
    and proceeded to the other shore to receive his
    "crown of righteousness", from the Lord, the righteous judge. (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

    We pray that May God bless you all with the strength and courage to bear loss of beloved father. May the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

  33. We are joining with you anf family in your sorrows.
    Your Dad was a powerful man of God and He used him very mightly in to His hand. we are so humble in to the dedication of the great servent og God PASTOR.K.T.THOMAS.
    He left a great Legacy for the next generation. And this is our hope that we can see again.
    We are praying for the funeral service.
    May God bless you.

  34. We share in your grief at this time of loss even as we celebrate with you the promotion into glory of your dear Dad, Pastor KT Thomas. We thank God for his life and tremendous legacy he has left you and the entire Body of Christ in India. May the Lord comfort you in this time of mourning.

    Pastor S. Joseph from Mumbai (my father-in-law) also extends his condolences and prayers from the entire New Life family to your family.

    Esther and myself are in Australia at the moment. We heard of the sad news on facebook. Please keep us updated on any memorial service in the future.

  35. Came to know of your Dad's demise this morning. Please accept our heartfelt condolences.

    Grief over the loss of a loved one is quite long lasting. It's now more than two years after I lost my father. Even now, I grieve from time to time when I remember him. It's a very private thing - something others don't get, especially because men are not expected to cry or grieve and because of the rough relationship that most sons share with their fathers!

    May the good Lord comfort all of you.

    You can shed tears that he is gone,
    Or you can smile because he lived,
    You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back,
    Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left.

    Your heart can be empty because you can't see him
    Or you can be full of the love that you shared,
    You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
    Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

    You can remember him and only that he is gone
    Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on,
    You can cry and close your mind be empty and turn your
    Or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes,
    love and go on.
    David Harkins

  36. Pastor V.T. SamkuttyApril 14, 2011 at 8:49 PM

    I have had the privilege to know this great man of God, Pastor K.T. Thomas, a personal mentor or an Apostle as he is best known since 1968. I have also had the privilege to work with him in the Lord's vineyard in north India. He was my pastor, my inspiration, and a teacher in my life. One of the fondest memory I have of him is his compassion for the people and his heart to help everyone he sees in need. In the experience of my work with him, I have watched him get emotional and break down in tears in many circumstances which has touched my heart in great ways. I have seen how God gave him the strength and courage to overcome many difficulties and problems that came across his way. We have travelled together in many states in regards to various ministry and I have seen his zeal for spreading the gospel and burden for the perishing souls, which was an example for many. His prayer life and excellency in various aspects have encouraged and has challenged me in my own ministry. He was truely an ambassador and a faithful servant of God, his leadership and administritative skils were exemplary to many. By God's grace, myself and my family has been able to keep the spiritual and physical friendship that has continued and the love that has only increased till this day. He has left behind a wonderful legacy for many people to follow. The news of his departure has shocked us with grief but has given us the hope to see him on the shore. His life memories will be a part of me and my family for many years to come. He welcomed everyone with a smile that people will remember and we know he is smiling even bigger now that he has met his Master.

    Our heart-filled condolences to kochamma, children, their families and to the servants and churches of the IPC Northern Region. May the Prince of Peace give you comfort and reside in you during this difficult time.

    With much love,
    Pastor Samkutty and family

  37. i was saddend to hear the news of appachen ,it is a great loss to me too,i still remember the memories he gave me while i was with him,may God comfort u and help u to achieve what he could not do for the kingdom of God

  38. My favorite appachen gone to glory. I have so many memories of appachen when we were in Delhi. One thing i remember the most is his precious smile. His smiile would just brighten up the room. It was contiguous. He was a faithful man of God, a warrior for His kingdom and left a legacy behind. He was my dad's 'spiritual father.' Papa is truly inspired by appachen's love for the Gospel. I can't wait to meet you on the other side appachen. Now appachen will be my dad's personal 'Angel.' :)

    We'll miss you appacha.
    Betty Thomas ( Oklahoma City, OK)

  39. Pastor K.G.Samuel,Layamma Samuel,Grace,Joyce,JollyApril 14, 2011 at 9:58 PM

    We, Pastor K.G.Samuel, Layamma Samuel,Grace,Joyce, Jolly offer the deepest condolence with prayer that God may grant His everlasting peace in to the lives of all the family members.Since 1966 I(Layamma Samuel) know pastor. k.T.Thomas. He was a good warrior one who fought in his Master's warfare. With full armour of God he fought. He never feared any one. He knew what he speaks, for whom he stands. We can never forget pastor K.T.Thomas in our life whatever we learned from him. He always keeps his word and he was very very sincere in his words,deeds and in everything. He was an apostle like apostle Paul. As 2nd Timothy4:7,8 says we can say pastor K.T.Thomas also the same way. Praise the Lord for his life. Always he used to say that I remembe that "For if we be dead with Him, we shall also live with Him, If we suffer we shall also reign with Him." He suffered for his Master so He called him into His glory to live and reign with Him.

  40. Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family...May our God will give comfort and strength to all of you..our deepest sympathy and prayers...,

  41. May the peace that passeth all understanding comfort you and all the rest of the family. Praying for all of you!

  42. Sorry to hear about your-our loss. You all are in our prayers..

  43. We are sorry to hear the sad dismise of Appachen. May the Almighty confort all of us

  44. So sorry to hear about appachans departure..Our heart felt condolences...God bless u all

  45. I am really sad to hear the news. Our heartfelt condolences. I was thinking about the days... we spent in Green Park F-58. This is our life' journey (All good things must come to an end). May God grant His peace. God bless you all!

  46. We came to know about appachans departure from this world to eternal home. I remember all the old days, since when we came to Delhi from Madhya pradesh mor than 2 weeks we stayed in the house with appachan and ammachi and with all of u that was a great privilege. May God comfort u with the everlasting peace and blessed hope. Surely we will meet our appachan over there.

  47. Heard the sad news just prayers are with you & your family at this difficult time. Our sincere condolences 2 you & specially praying for auntie....

  48. so saddened to hear appachans demise. Earth's loss is heavens gain. I still have so many memories related to appachan and ammachi. India lost a pearl. All of us know it.

  49. Pastor Harry Singh & family, Light of Life church, Agra offer the deepest condolence with prayer that God may grant His everlasting peace in to the lives of all the family members, we stand with the family in this hard time,

  50. my heart felt condolences to you and your family on the home going of my spiritual father, Great man of god.....remembering ammamma and rest of the family in our prayers.... from Rajan, Shoba & kids.

  51. our most sincere condolences to you and your family. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and continue to lift all of you especially Ammachi to His throne....

  52. Our Deepest condolence to you and Rev KT Thomachayan's family in this partiuclar time.
    Grateful to God for the wonderful work He did through Appachan.

    With Prayers
    ...Finney Blessy, Steve and Nathan

    Operation Agape

  53. Our condolences Chechi. A very special man of God,for sure will be remembered as the Apostle of N.India.

  54. i am so sorry to hear about your loss.. My sincere condolences

  55. I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing all right.

  56. my prayer is with you.You are a proud daughter of a Dad left with good legecy,we are going to meet him again,what glorious day that will be.

  57. Heartfelt condolences!

  58. Praise God 4 his life! Truely a blessed man, countless have been blessed by his stewardship of the Lord!

  59. Our prayers and thoughts with each one of you.When we heard the news, a flashback of the good old days passed our minds. Heart felt condolence. Yes we have the hope of seeing Appachen on the other shore. Blessed are the ones who go to the eternal home early, for they don't have to see the sufferings of this world.You all are there in our prayers. Regards to Reji, Suja, Joji.

  60. so sorry to hear about your loss...My condolences to you and your family

  61. Yes, pastor appacha was an inspiration for me n did ofcourse set example in many ways before us. Praise God for His wonderful life.

  62. great man of God..sure he would have had a grand are all so blessed to inherit his legacy. praying for you all.

  63. indeed we should celebrate his life, cherishing the days with Pastor Appachan at F 58.

  64. ‎"we believe that JESUS died and rose again and so we believe that GOD wil bring with JESUS those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord's own word, we tell u that we who are still alive, who r left till the coming of the LORD, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep....And so we will b with the LORD forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.''

  65. heartfelt condolences,may god grant his peace to all.

  66. He has left behind a legacy for us to follow. But the standards are really too high. Proud to be part of this family. Sp sad i cant make it for this journey of appachan. but dad mom are reaching. You are in our prayers

  67. sorry to hear ....our sincere condolences,take care of ur family .

  68. We are very saddened to hear the loss of your dad's departure. We rejoice over the wonderful legacy that he has left behind. He was so blessed to see you all flourish in our Lord's ministry among this new generation. He was a g...reat man, of whom you can be rightfully proud. We fondly remember his friendship with the ministry here in Udaipur.God was pleased to use Pr. K.T. Thomas as a pioneer in the capital city and in the northern region. Please be assured of our prayers for all of you. Finny Philp on behalf of Native Missionary Movement,Filadelfia Bible College and Filadelfia Fellowship Churches of India.See More

  69. praying for ur family.........and praise God for the blessed life that your father led and how he guided his children as well......

  70. Praise God for Pastor s life..praying for ammachi n all in d family...

  71. Praise the Lord for apacha... he was one of the person who influenced my greatly... will see him surely on the other shore... hope amachie and all others heart is overcome by the peace of the Lord

  72. sorry 2 hear our condolences, take care

  73. My deepest condolences... Ps 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His godly ones

  74. Elizabeth VarugheseApril 15, 2011 at 12:23 AM

    Its never easy to loose your beloved parent. I just lost my mom, which was totally unexpected. Just got back from India. May the Lord fill our hearts with His peace that passeth all understanding. Lets uphold one another in prayers. My condolences to all of you and to your dear mom. God bless her.

  75. our deepest condolences sister..but good to know that HIS peace is ruling your hearts..indeed its a great thing to celebrate your dad's life on earth and praise GOD for our assurance that one day we all will get to meet him again in Heaven...will be praying for your family...

  76. So sorry to hear this. We thank God for Uncle's life. Also pray that you all will experience God's love and peace in a very special way at this time.

  77. Our prayers and thoughts are with ur family. Appacha was a wonderful man I loved and adored. He was impeccably dressed

  78. Sorry to hear.....our sincere condolences. Praying for ur family.

  79. may the Peace of the Lord encircle your hearts and all other family members. Thank God for the life of the Man of God. He finished his race. Let us continue the race . We are praying for you

  80. Annie Charles SamuelApril 15, 2011 at 12:33 AM

    Yes we join you all in praising God for his life.........Charles ,Annie Jefferson Rebecca and Jonathan

  81. our sincere condolences...................praying for your family always.

  82. Solange E Djalma BarrosoApril 15, 2011 at 12:35 AM

    yes, we will meet him! thank God for that peace in your hearts.


  84. Romans 14:8
    For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord's.
    Revelation 21:4
    And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorr...ow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."
    1 Thessalonians 4:17-18
    Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.


  85. ‎"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints" Ps 116:15

  86. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. My heartfelt condolences with you and your family.

  87. Surely agree......wonder we ever see that space filled....rightly said a man whom many people looked upto.....Ben, there is that joyous day still where we all will see him again.

  88. Robin and Sobin MathewApril 15, 2011 at 3:25 AM

    I want you to know how very sad we are - it was so terrible. We have lost such a great man and a great friend. His charisma, and vision were truly outstanding, and will be sorely missed. Such a loss is tragic beyond words. With my very deepest sympathies.

    Robin and Sobin Mathew

  89. Our deepest conndolences to you and your family. We will remember you in our prayers. Geevarghese Rajan,kanpur up

  90. Psalm 116:15 "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants."

    Our sincere condolences.

    Benny Sam and family

  91. JOHNSON M, IPC MAYUR VIHARApril 15, 2011 at 5:08 AM

    On one hand we are sad for missing our great pastor, but we thank God for a life well lived! And the fruits he has left behind, lives he has raised and touched have been a blessing to us all. I do pray for God's comfort on his family and the entire Pentecost believers in North India. "Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation..." 2Corinthians 1:3,4. Finally, we believe and take comfort in the fact that, according to Christ promise, we will see him again at the resurrection. From: Johnson, Molly, Steffi and Stacy.

  92. Benny, Manchester, UKApril 15, 2011 at 5:33 AM

    I consider it as a privilege and honor having worked for the IPC NR HQ and indeed with dear appachan. A great man of God with a great vision and a tremendous passion for the Lord. He will be sadly missed. But we will meet him on that heavenly shore. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you,especially Joji bhaiya and Anitha chechi.

    May the Lord fill your hearts with His peace that passeth all understanding.

    Benny, Mercy, Joey & Hannah

  93. thank u lord for the wonderful ways u used Appachan for ur kingdom

  94. Mathew Jacob & Joyce Jacob, NY, USAApril 15, 2011 at 7:18 AM

    Mathew & Joyce Jacob, NY, USA (2 days ago)
    Really appachan was great Servant of God. My Daddy Pastor K.G. Samuel, Layamma Samuel and we three sisters had a great opportunity to be with Appachan, Amachi, Suja ammama,Joji chachan, and Jiji as our best friend and as one family. In my Dad's ministry appachan is the one who helped in many ways. We cannot forget appachan's hardworking and the thirst for the souls and welcoming the people from different states in His house. He will be dearly missed. He is with Jesus now in Heaven. May God give peace and comfort to the grieving family especially to amachi and children.

  95. Hearty Condolences all of u frm seba&fly(oman)& also all the family members frm valiyavila,Elampal

  96. Our loving Thomachayan,a very good sheppard, a good teacher,a good organizer and a good leader who led many young people to chistain maturity and sent most of us to U.S.A. and Canada. His love, care and prayers wil be always remembered. It was a privilage in partnership with Thomachyan in Ministry in '66-'1970. With deepest codoleccess to the Family.

    From Aleykutty & Family
    [Late Rev. Mathaichens' Family] Canada.4/4/2011.

  97. Truly Thomachayan was one of the pioneers who devoted his life to bringing souls to the kingdom of God. We are privileged to have Suja in our family, and know that she was raised in a God fearing, loving home. Our deepest sympathy to Suja, Sam, Shawn, Sharon and Shelby. Thomachayan was a good father, loving husband, and beloved grandfather. He was devoted to the ministry that God enabled him to have in Delhi, and had a deep love and compassion for all of those who worked for this ministry. Our Condolences to all of his grandchildren, children, and our dear Ammachi. You are in our prayers. May God comfort you and give you peace, as we run the race to one day be caught up and see our dear Thomachayan again.

    Love: Bavan, Susan, Jabez, Jaime and Jency

  98. Rev. Joseph Williams, New YorkApril 15, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    I am profoundly saddened to hear the demise of Pastor K. T. Thomas who I have known since my early childhood. Pastor K. T. Thomas has visited my home and our local church on many occasions during my early childhood days and I have been blessed on many occasions with his powerful preaching of the Word. Mrs. Thomas has family in my home church area and thus they used to attend our church often whenever they came to visit Mrs. Thomas's family.

    Pastor Thomas's exceptional leadership qualities,compassion and hospitality will be missed by those of us who have been blessed by him over the years. On behalf of my family, IPC Rockland Assembly and the IPC churches in North American Eastern Region I express our my condolences and pray that the Lord of all comforts fill the hearts of the grieving family.

  99. Pastor Thomas V. Koshy, Dallas, TX, USAApril 15, 2011 at 4:49 PM

    On behalf of my family and Dallas Pentecostal Church, I express our deepest sympathy, condolences, and hope at the departure of our beloved Thomachayan. He was truly an apostle to North India. He was instrumental in starting the IPC Northern Region and establishing many churches there. I had the privilege to attend Bethel Bible Institute in 1968, which was started by Pastor K. T. Thomas. I am so much obligated and have great respect to Thomachayan and family. May the good Lord fill the broken-hearted with the peace that passeth all understanding. May God comfort Kochamma and dear children. We are praying for you.

    “When his time of service was completed, he returned home.” Luke 1.23

  100. Rev.Dr.George Mathew, IPC New Jersey
    A pioneer missionary in the North Indian mission field departed us. Our deepest condolence to family and church

  101. Pr K.T Thomas is an apostle used mightly by the Lord for the expansion of Lord's kingdom in Northern parts of India.
    IPC Northern Region Mumbai Ambernath church Pastor Mathai Samuel and family and the Church express condolences and share the grief with the grieving families of our dear Pastor.
    May the Lord our God comfort all the grieving families, friends and associate ministers of this great man of God.

    Pastor Mathai Samuel, IPC N.R, Ambernath, Mumbai

  102. Thomas M KidangalilApril 16, 2011 at 4:57 AM

    Our prayers and thoughts are with you all at this time. On behalf of PCNAK I extend my deep condolence to the bereaved family.

    Thomas M Kidangalil
    National Secretary
    PCNAK North America

  103. We are deeply saddened to hear the loss of our beloved Pastor. We share in your grief and send you our love and heartfelt sympathy. Our thoughts and prayer are with you and your family during this difficult time.

    My memories goes back to 1983 when I first met Pastor appachan in Bhopal. Since then I have heard lot of blessed spiritual messages and learned lot of exceptional qualities in both spiritual and secular life.

    On behalf of my family and my parents Pastor Kuruvilla Abraham (President, IPC Chattisgarh) & Alice AbrahamI express deepest condolences. May God grant you comfort and peace during this saddened time.

  104. my deep condolence ....
    with prayer

    abhilash baby k

  105. Pastor Finney SamuelApril 16, 2011 at 8:08 PM

    On behalf of India Pentecostal Assembly,Hicksville we express our heartfelt condolences. May the God of comfort fill all the family members with the peace that passeth all understanding.
    Pastor Finney Samuel

  106. Shiney Cherian DanielApril 17, 2011 at 11:18 PM

    Praise the Lord for the life that your dad led.

  107. Our prayers and condolences with u and family.. we have a hope that we will meet Appachan again at the coming of our Lord Jesus.

  108. All of you are in our prayers.

  109. What a fitting tribute and honorable homegoing celebration of your dad. It was also such a treat to see all of you live after so many years. Suja and Rejichayan look the same. Our prayers are with all of you. It is so heartwarming to see a man under whome my Dad Pastor P.S. Thomas started his ministry. He will be missed badly. Bless you all -

  110. Honored to realise that we are indirect results of what one man's effort established in North India! Praise Jesus for TCFC and what it truly means...and how it has revolutionised so many people's lives. Thank you so much for the online streaming...privileged to be a part of such a day. With prayers n our heartfelt wishes, Tijin & Sheenu. May the God of Peace be forever within you.

  111. God's peace is our prayer for you and your family. Blessings.

  112. The home going of dear appachan bought me yet another loss, I lost my dear Pappa on feb 12. I thank God for giving us wonderful fathers who had been there for us all along. Their home going is certainly going to leave a big gap in our lives, but its our Masters' will. Let ...

  113. our deepest condolence to all those that were touched by appachen's presence. I'm not really good at this so i'll stop here. But i miss him already. He left a light shinning for us. Now appachen will be my papa's personal 'angel' watching over him. Can't wait to see him again on the other side. Our prayers are with you and your family.

  114. Sorry to hear the news of your father's departure, but praise the Lord for the welcome he must have received in that glory land! You are in our prayers!

  115. we uphold the family, dear and near and the wider family of appachan in our prayers. Though we grieve along with your family for the physical departure of appachan but not sorrowful as we have a hope in the Risen Christ Jesus our Lord. At the same time we thank God for the life and witness of K.T. Thomas appachan. Let the legacy of appachan to stand for God and to witness Christ Jesus in North India be deeply implanted in all of our hearts and transcend to every young men and women in IPCNR.
    I Thessalonians 4: 14-18 reads, “We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.”

  116. Our deepest conndolences to you and your family. We will remember you in our prayers. Marvel and Bency

  117. Jojibhaiya,our condolences to you and your family.You are in our prayers

  118. ust wanted to write to share both your sorrow and joy of your father's demise. I am glad God blessed this city and many other places through Rev. K.T. Thomas and his family. May God always build the works of your hands too.

  119. Thomas and Sophie VarugheseApril 18, 2011 at 12:58 PM

    "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 1 Timothy 4:7
    This verse describes Pastor K.T. Thomas and his ministry for the Lord. We convey our deepest condolences to the family. We pray that God will grant you the peace that passeth all understanding in this sad time.
    Thomas (Raju) and Sophie Varughese (New York) 4/18/2011

  120. Daniel Cheiran, FloridaApril 19, 2011 at 9:32 AM

    God had given me chances to closely work with the great man of God- Pastor K.T.Thomas. He influenced me in my life. He fought his fight and completed his race and went to be with his master to receive his reward.

    Daniel Cherian, Florida, USA

  121. May God give peace and comfort to the grieving family especially to amachi and children.

  122. Pastor Thomas George Melbourne, AustraliaApril 19, 2011 at 9:45 AM

    I had the previlage of knowing pr. K.T. Thomas and famnily when I was in Delhi 1976. He was a graeat servent of God mightly used by God in India and abroad. We had the privilage to have him and marykuttyammamma here in Melbourne for our second pentecostal convention in 1992. Lot of fond memories. May the Lord comfort the rest of the family. Sinciere condolance to Ammamma, Suja, Sam and rest of the family.

  123. Today, i was saddened to hear of the demise of pastor k.t. thomas of new delhi. he was, indeed, a stalwart of faith who fought a good fight till the end and now has joined that great cloud of witnesses that surround us. at his invitation, i had the wonderful privilege of speaking at the northern region general convention in 1993. i found him to be a man of god with a passion for souls and a heart for northern india. he will always be remembered with fondness and great respect by all who have known him in the ministry.

  124. Pastor Thomas Roy OrissaApril 19, 2011 at 9:48 AM

    It was blessed time ,me to work under the dynamic leadership of Great servant of God ,Pr K.T. THOMAS during 1990- to 1993 in Orissa .Still his inspiration helping me to witness Jesus here in Orissa .He was really a man of God .May God console the family .

  125. K M Abraham KuwaitApril 19, 2011 at 9:50 AM

    during the church planting ministry at surat (gujarat) alongwith pastors k.t thomas and k joy,i had a privilege to visit surat and translate pastor k.t. thomas' english message into hindi there during 1978. god had used him greatly in most of the north indian states for his glory. may god sustain all the bereaved ones- km abraham, kuwait

  126. Pastor V T Samkutty DallasApril 19, 2011 at 9:52 AM

    I have had the privilege to know this great man of god, pastor k.t. thomas, a personal mentor or an apostle as he is best known since 1968. i have also had the privilege to work with him in the lord's vineyard in north india. he was my pastor, my inspiration, and a teacher in my life. we have travelled together in many states in regards to various ministry and i have seen his zeal for spreading the gospel and burden for the perishing souls, which was an example for many. his prayer life and excellency in various aspects have encouraged and has challenged me in my own ministry. by god's grace, myself and my family has been able to keep the spiritual and physical friendship that has continued and the love that has only increased till this day. our heart-filled condolences to kochamma, children, their families and to the servants and churches of the ipc northern region. may the prince of peace give you comfort and reside in you during this difficult time.

  127. I express my sympathy and condolence on Appachan's demise.He was really a role model and a successful person in the mission field.We extend our heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.His separation was so sorrowful.

  128. Pastor Mathew V Ninan USAApril 19, 2011 at 10:00 AM

    pastor kt thomas(thomachayan) was a great man of god. he had great passion and vision in pioneering for the lord in north india and as the result he coulnd be the founder president of ipc nr. i have known hin since 1960 and could work with him in ipc nr council for ten years. we send our condolence to the grieving family.

  129. Pastor John T Kurian ChicagoApril 19, 2011 at 10:01 AM

    Thomachayan (Pr. K.T.Thomas)finished his assignment and promoted to glory. He worked with firm commitment and determination. It is a great loss to all of us but a gain to the Kingdom of Heaven. May the good Lord comfort Kochamma as well as the grieving families.

  130. A person who has toiled hard for God's work in North India, finally breathes his last. Salutes to him... Really admire this person

  131. Pastor Thomas N Mathew AhmedabadApril 19, 2011 at 10:04 AM

    I still remember the face of appachen (Pr. KT Thomas) when he visited our church (IPC Gandhinagar-Gujarat) years back. He was very enthusiastic and bold for the North-Indian Ministry and was an instrumental for the kingdom of GOD. I, alongwith my wife Sherly conveys our hear-felt condolence to all near and dear ones.

  132. We have lost a great leader, an apostle, a true Christine warrior. He was distinctively called by God to educate, train ministers and pioneer churches throughout North India. He was very committed to his Heavenly call. He was instrumental to organize the Indian Pentecostal Church in North India during the early part of 1968. He had done the service, gone through the difficulties of his warfare, and had been instrumental in carrying out the mission successfully during his life

  133. Pastor T T Joseph VishakapatnamApril 19, 2011 at 10:06 AM

    Pastor K.T.Thomas was a great servant of God with a vision for India.I remember the days of his visiting to Visakhapatnam in the yrs of 1996 to 2000.And we could lift the name of our savior Jesus Christ in the different part of Andhra Pradesh.Really he was an apostle for India.I convey my deep condolence to the family.

  134. Pastor C T Abraham UKApril 19, 2011 at 10:07 AM

    Pastor .K.T.Thomas was a great man of God.A great loss for pentecostal movement in North India.Specially IPC Northern Region.

  135. Pastor Mathew Zachariah, New YorkApril 19, 2011 at 10:08 AM

    Pastor.K.T.Thomas was a great man of God. Really he accomplished a great deal for the kingdom of God. At this time we are proudly to say about the past time he and our father Late.Pr.E.M.Zechariah had the privilege to work in IPC Northern Region. We expresses our heartfelt condolence to grieving family Maryammama, Stanley, Suja, Joji and Jiji along with their other family members and pray that God almighty will give you peace.
    Pastor.Mathew Zechariah & Blessy Mathew
    Finney & Family
    Mrs.Samuel Zechariah
    Johnson & Family
    Stanley & Family
    Glory & Family
    Pheba & family.

  136. I came to know that pastor k.t.thomas left us to be with the lord! i had close association with him for several years, both him and pastor k.d.thimothy were first commissioned officers in the india army serving as special officers in the personnel staff for security for the first president of india, the late dr. rajendra prasad. i remember pastor k.t.thomas occassionally used to say, i left a good job, but don't regret doing that because i am serving a greater purpose! i was in the group with pastor k.t.thomas and pastor m.c.chacko when we visited house no one ashoka rd, in 1981, to visit the late prime minister mrs indira gandhi, to share the "gospel" with her. bro. jesuran from tamil nadu who was a close friend of r.k.dhawan, the late prime ministers private secretary arranged the meeting. my deepest condolences to mary ammama and children.

  137. Pastor K. T. Thomas was a visionary Missionary called for N. India he was a close family friend to the Podimannil families; My cousin Late Pastor P. G. Abraham (Kochu Baby)(IPC Nagpur)was a close associate in the mission field in N. India. Our condolences to the grieving families.May the God of peace be with you all and the peace of God reign in your hearts. Love you all.

  138. C G Daniel, Houston, TexasApril 19, 2011 at 10:12 AM

    pastor k.t. thomas "thomachayan" was a great man of god. i admire and value his leadership quality and he was always available to help to those in need. he was very influential and maintained close relationship with govt.officials. ipc northern region office complex was the result of his public relations.
    he was very disciplined person and his military background helps him to discipline the pastors and members of his church. i still remember during one of the sunday worships at the green park, new delhi church he suggested "our pastors has to get military training for at least six months". a great man with great ideas and vision.
    we extend our heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.

  139. My deepest condolences for the bereaved family

  140. Joy Chembakasseril, USAApril 19, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    i had the privilege of knowing pastor k.t.thomas when i was in delhi! he was a great ambassador for the malayalee pentecostals and malayalee community in north india! my late uncle pastor k.d.thimothy and pastor k.t.thomas were contempories in the mission field in north india! they both worked in the central secretariat in delhi, formerly and were in the personnel staff as security personnel for the first president of india, dr rajendra prasad! i have heard from my uncle that, they had the privilege to talk to the president, "the gospel". dr. rajendra prasad, who was an exemplary personality and a scholar as everybody knows and a hindu by faith, patiently listened to them,- " the gospel". i remember pastor k.t.thomas whom i call uncle had a hard time trying to comprehend[why] when one of his sons met with an auto accident and never survived! pastor k.t.thomas went through several trials and tribulations, but he was a shining star in the mission field! my deepest condolences.

  141. Pastor Jacob George, New YorkApril 19, 2011 at 10:16 AM

    IPCNY Express condolencess to all the family members of late Pr.K.T.Thomas.Pr.K.T.Thomas and my Dad (Late,Pr.A.C.George)Were close friends and worked for the Lord for a long time.Pr.Thomas was from my moms native place Kallissey.I preached in a Pastors meeting in 1998 october during their annual convention and it was a blessed time for me.We lost a good and strong leader.He was an apostle of our time and no one can replace him.May the Lord comfort all the family members and the church members everywhere.We as a church and a family share your grief.

  142. Pastor Babu Thomas, MemphisApril 19, 2011 at 10:17 AM

    although i knew him from my childhood, but more closely when i was a member of ipc green park for about 7 years. his leadership and organizaitonal capacity was amazing. his enthusiam and courage was always inspiring. his helping nature and love for belivers will always be rememberd. he made difference in many people and many are blessed through him materially and spiritually. his hard work is resulted as many churches in north india.

    may the good lord console mary ammama, stanley, suja, joji,and jiji along with their other family members.

  143. i had a chance to attend his ministry when i visited delhi in 1983 (at motinagar ipc which was later disowned by him due to obvious reasons).

    may god give peace and courage to the bereaved family members with the heavenly peace that passes all human understanding. my heart-felt condolence to all near and dear ones.

  144. Pastor Kurian K Philip, IPC SeminaryApril 19, 2011 at 10:19 AM

    Really he was one of apostle of Indian Pentecostal church of God.He pioneered many local churches in North India.May our Good God comfort to the grieving family.

  145. Mathew and Joyce JacobApril 19, 2011 at 10:20 AM

    Really appachan was great Servant of God. We had a great opportunity to be with Appachan, Amachi, Suja ammama,Joji chachan, and Jiji as our best friend. I cannot forget appachan's hardworking and the thirst for the souls and welcoming the people from different states in His house. He will be dearly missed. He is with Jesus now in Heaven. May God give peace and comfort to the grieving family especially to amachi and children.

  146. A great man of God. God may comfort the family.

  147. Pastor Biju and Phebe VargheseApril 19, 2011 at 10:21 AM

    Pastor K.T.Thomas was a true apostle and valiant fighter for the gospel.He established churches in major populated cities in India as apostle Paul worked in populated cities like Ephesus, Corinth and Philippi. May the Lord of peace comfort his bereaved family.

  148. Pastor Jim and SarikaApril 19, 2011 at 8:26 PM

    He ran a good race and made the best from his life. Peace be with you and the entire family. Pastor Jim and Sarika

  149. Dr. Gaurav and SoniaApril 19, 2011 at 8:29 PM

    Heartiest condolences to you and your family. We are praying for you all. Dr. Gaurav and Sonia

  150. Sam Rao and ShobhaApril 19, 2011 at 8:36 PM

    Deepest sympathies. We know that he is with the Lord. Sam Rao and Shobha

  151. Stanley and Priya SingaporeApril 19, 2011 at 8:42 PM

    I pray that the Lord give you and all the family members His peace that surpasses all understanding at this juncture. Keeping the entire family in prayer. Stanley and Priya, Singapore

  152. Dr. Issac and BenzyApril 19, 2011 at 8:43 PM

    We are saddened by your loss. Our hearts are with you but we do not despair as our hope is eternal. Appachan has gone to be with his first love. Our prayers are with you.

  153. Appachan fought a good fight and is now resting at the bosom of our Lord Jesus. Appachan has entered the gates of heaven and is welcomed by Jesus saying "come my faithful". Peace of God reign over you. Saurabh, New Delhi

  154. Mathew Samuel and Annie, New DelhiApril 19, 2011 at 8:47 PM

    My deep condolences ....with prayer
    Mathew Samuel and Annie, New Delhi

  155. Ajay Jacob, New DelhiApril 19, 2011 at 8:50 PM

    He has finished the mission assigned to him by the Lord. Our prayers are with you, Ammachi and all your immediate and extended family members. God is with you and with us all. Christ Jesus is all we have. Ajay Jacob, New Delhi

  156. Babu George and family, Kalyan, MumbaiApril 19, 2011 at 8:52 PM

    May God grant you all necessary grace and mercy in this situation. Babu George and familly, Kalyan, Mumbai

  157. Pastor Shibu K Mathai, New DelhiApril 19, 2011 at 8:54 PM

    Our deepest condolences to each mourning heart at this painful hour of bereavement. May God himself strengthen all at your end ti face the situation. Pastor Shibu K M, New Delhi

  158. In this hour of bereavement we join you and the family to pray that the God of peace would comfort you all. Kindly accept our condolences. Shyam and Sudha, Hyderabad

  159. Biju John and Julie, New DelhiApril 19, 2011 at 8:58 PM

    We are praying that the Lord bestows you and family peace and strength during this time of bereavement. Biju John and Julie

  160. Our heartfelt condolences for the loss of Pastor K T Thomas. he has gone home to be with the Lord. May the Lord give you and the family strength during this time. Naval and Limble

  161. I believe uncle has finished his race marked for him and our Lord will be pleased to receive him back. Dr. Milo and Mala, New Delhi

  162. My deepest sympathies and prayer to you and teh family. David Balasingh

  163. Joshua Mathew, New DelhiApril 19, 2011 at 9:59 PM

    I remember Appachan for being a very tender-hearted and loving man sent by God. My heart felt prayers are with you and the whole family. Joshua Mathew, New Delhi

  164. Pastor Jeffy Mathai and family, KollamApril 19, 2011 at 10:01 PM

    we stand with you in prayer at this time and give glory to God for Appachan's life. Pastor Jeffy Mathai and family, Kollam

  165. Sanjiv Ailawadi and Sushila, New DelhiApril 19, 2011 at 10:02 PM

    Please be assured of our love and prayers for you and for your family. with blessings. Sanjiv Ailawadi and Sushila, New Delhi

  166. Sharon and me are quite moved to hear the heavenly abode of your beloved father and this is a irreplaceable loss. No words can comfort you. Our heartfelt condolences to you and every member of your bereaving family and church. We offer our prayers to God to give you and your family courage to handle this loss and bestow peace that passeth all understanding. Sharon and Sony

  167. Very sorry to hear about your father's demise. Our heartfelt condolences to all of you. May the Lord give you all much grace. Praise God for the blessed life of our dear Pastor. Susanna

  168. Pastor Bobby Chellappan and familyApril 19, 2011 at 10:09 PM

    condolences on the demise of your father a precious man of God who has gone home to receive his reward. Peace and grace from God's throne room to you and your family. Pastor Bobby Chellappan and family

  169. Dr. Sunil Abraham and ShantiApril 19, 2011 at 10:21 PM

    Thank God for the peaceful departure of your dad. God keep you all. Dr. Sunil Abraham

  170. For He remembered His holy promise given to His servant (Appachan). May the double measure of His love continue to be upon all the family members. Sophia, Shahpurjat

  171. Pastor T. Valson AbrahamApril 19, 2011 at 10:28 PM

    Our deepest sympathy and condolences. May the Lord comfort you. Pastor T. Valson Abraham

  172. Dr. Shejoy and familyApril 19, 2011 at 10:30 PM

    My heartfelt condolences to you and the family. Pray that God strengthen you all at this time. God bless you all. Dr. Shejoy and family

  173. Naveen Sam, New DelhiApril 19, 2011 at 10:34 PM

    My heartfelt condolences for the loss of our dear uncle. May God strengthen each of us to sail through this situation. I keep you all in my prayers. Naveen Sam, New Delhi

  174. Arun and Sunita JacobApril 19, 2011 at 10:48 PM

    Lord God be with you all at this time. Arun and Sunita Jacob

  175. Jojy Punnose and familyApril 19, 2011 at 10:50 PM

    We are with you in prayer and support. We pray that you stand firm on the the Rock....we love you all. Jojy Punnose and family

  176. Dr. Issac, New DelhiApril 19, 2011 at 11:05 PM

    The parting of a loved one is always sad. they go leaving memories but the chosen few by God leave legacy. You father's legacy will outlive all our lives. Dr. Issac, New Delhi

  177. Pastor David Dayalan, GurgaonApril 19, 2011 at 11:21 PM

    We are praying for you and your family. May God of all comfort and compassion comfort you and your family at this time of grief. Pastor David Dayalan, Gurgaon

  178. IPCNR Bhopal, ShibuApril 19, 2011 at 11:27 PM

    We as a church are in deep sorrow due to the sudden death of Apostle K. T. Thomas. On the other side we have a great hope and we are sure of one thing that on that day of trumpet call the dead in Christ will rise and we who are alive will be caught up together. Apostle K. T. Thomas was a great man of God and to great extend he succeeded in accomplishing his vision against all odds. He was instrumental in accomplishing the name of Jesus in northern part of India and he rightly honoured the position of an Apostle.. The peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Our prayers are with all the family members. IPCNR Bhopal, Shibu

  179. Reji and Praseetha, Al AinApril 19, 2011 at 11:29 PM

    Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Prayer and love from Reji and Praseetha, Al Ain

  180. Sam and Jasmine, ChennaiApril 19, 2011 at 11:31 PM

    Condolences to your family. we keep you all in our prayers. Sam and Jasmine

  181. Pastor Pappy Mathai, Omana and children, LucknowApril 19, 2011 at 11:50 PM

    This is a hard time of sorrow you are going through. May the Lord of all comfort be with you as you go through the valley of the shadow of death. Remember for us who know Jesus it is only a shadow through which Thomachayan entered into the fullness of Life. He is now perfect in health, wealth and happiness surrounded by an unapproachable Light as he beholds the face of His Lord. He is not dead but is alive in a perfect state. Rejoice for he only has moved his place. He never stopped breathing one moment. He took his breath here on earth the next breath he took in heaven. He who believes in Jesus never dies. Pastor Pappy Mathai, Omana and children.

  182. I am very sorry that I cannot be with you all at this time to celebrate together the life of this exceptional man of God and say good bye to him along with all of you. My greetings and regard to the Thomas family and all the brethren there. May the Lord Almighty bring comfort and strength to you all during this difficult season.

    I am very grateful for the opportunity that I had in my younger days to work so close with Pastor K.T. Thomas in the ministry and lay the primary foundation with him for the birth of IPCNR at a future date. Through many sufferings, trials and persecution the Lord carved out a powerful army of Christian workers and churches under the anointed leadership of Pastor K.T. Thomas, one of the most effective apostles in our time in Northern India.

    Looking back on my younger days in New Delhi, I remember the days that we preached in the streets, visited and conducted cottage meetings in various places including Air Force camps, Military bases etc. which the Lord honored and blessed. I also remember him resigning his position with the government and was ordained by Pastor P. M. Samuel at our first Annual Convention in the South Extension in 1963. He stepped out by faith to serve his Lord though no source of income was identified. His passion and love for God and for souls took him to cities, villages and mountains along with the team of leaders that the Lord surrounded him with. The Lord Almighty enabled him by His Spirit to raise up an army of workers which resulted into establishing hundreds of churches and producing great harvest of souls for the Lord. Now the baton is passed on to you leaders along with all others with you. May the Lord give you the wisdom, anointing and resources to take this great work to a much higher level for the glory of Our King. I am very grateful for the opportunity that the Lord has given me to get reconnected again to stand by your side at least in a small way, to cheer you on to march forward into battle – The Lord God Almighty is going before you to open the closed doors and make you effective in setting the captives free and to proclaim the everlasting GOOD NEWS of His Kingdom everywhere.

    I am going to miss Bro: Thomas greatly. He fought a good fight, finished his race and kept the faith and that is the legacy of his life. May the Lord empower you all leaders in every way to carry on in that biblical mandate to continue the legacy of Pastor K.T. Thomas.

    Blessings and love in Him,

    C.P. Titus


  184. Reji and Praseetha, DubaiApril 20, 2011 at 10:18 PM

    We are very sad to hear about the demise of our beloved Appachan. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. May the Lord bless his dear ones and console them all. (Reji & Praseetha - Dubai)

  185. Chuck Comey, ChinaApril 21, 2011 at 9:20 AM

    On the occasion of Pastor KT Thomas' memorial service which I understand is being held today, I wanted to send you this brief note to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today, especially your saintly mother, whom we were privileged to meet along with Pastor Thomas during our brief visit to your family's home in New Delhi during our visit, already two years ago (or was it three!).

    I remember the day we visited, how hot it was outside, how gracious your and your mother's hospitality was to us, and how your home exuded the fragance of Christ, of lives committed in service and in the name of Jesus, and how peaceful and dignified your father looked as he rested at home. Now Pastor Thomas is truly at home forever, with Jesus who does all things well!!

    May the love of God surround and uphold you, the entire Thomas family and all IPC brothers and sisters especially during these days as you celebrate the life and ministry of one of India's most faithful servants of the Lord. May His spirit comfort and fill you, and bless your and IPC's ministry, just as He has so faithfully blessed and consecrated the life and work of your most respected father.

    Your friend in Christ,
    Chuck Comey

  186. Monachen, Rosamma, Alfie, Jeffie, and Stevie Florida, USAApril 21, 2011 at 9:22 AM

    We express our heartfelt condolences to Ammamma, the children, and to all the dear family members. Achayan was a kind, generous, and a courageous person, as well as a great leader with a towering personality. He fought the good fight, finished his race, and reached his final destination to receive his crown. One day we shall meet him. We pray for God's peace and comfort to all the bereaved family members at this difficult time.

    With our deepest sympathy and prayers,
    Monachen, Rosamma, Alfie, Jeffie, and Stevie
    Florida, USA

  187. Pastor Philip Kuruvila, GenevaApril 21, 2011 at 9:25 AM

    Our heartfelt condolences to you all and Ammachi. May the Lord streghten you all tp carry on the great work papa has established.
    Pastor K.T. Thomas, A great warrior of faith and a mighty man of God has fought a good fight for the Gospel and gone to be with the Lord to receive his crown. We cherish his memories dearly. Let us endeavour to fulfill the vision and the message he has carried and transferred to thousands in and outside India.
    Our condolences and prayers are with all the dear ones in the family.
    'The Lord bless you and Keep you'

  188. I want to pass on my condolences to you & your family. You are in my thoughts & prayers. Blessings

    Mike Hoisington

  189. anonymous!
    Appachan we really miss u!

  190. pastor.joseph.k.josephApril 27, 2011 at 2:53 AM

    pastor joseph k. joseph,chicago (2 days ago)
    Pastor K.T Thomas was a man of true conviction and courage.A man of compassion and vision. He loved his co-workers and supported their ministry.My heartfelt cndolences to the grieving family.

  191. shaji hapur (1 week ago)
    May God give peace and comfort to the grieving family especially to amachi and children.

  192. Pr.Thomas george,melbourneApril 27, 2011 at 2:56 AM

    pr. thomas george melbourne, australia (1 week ago)
    I had the previlage of knowing pr. K.T. Thomas and famnily when I was in Delhi 1976. He was a graeat servent of God mightly used by God in India and abroad. We had the privilage to have him and marykuttyammamma here in Melbourne for our second pentecostal convention in 1992. Lot of fond memories. May the Lord comfort the rest of the family. Sinciere condolance to Ammamma, Suja, Sam and rest of the family.0

  193. dr. abraham philip (1 week ago)
    today, i was saddened to hear of the demise of pastor k.t. thomas of new delhi. he was, indeed, a stalwart of faith who fought a good fight till the end and now has joined that great cloud of witnesses that surround us. at his invitation, i had the wonderful privilege of speaking at the northern region general convention in 1993. i found him to be a man of god with a passion for souls and a heart for northern india. he will always be remembered with fondness and great respect by all who have known him in the ministry.

  194. Simon Samuel and family, NTC, DehradunApril 30, 2011 at 3:57 AM

    We heard of Appachan's passing away into the presence of the Lord. On behalf of BSS/CEA/NTC and on my own and family's behalf we express our condolences to the family members and the churches. At this time our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    I have lot of good memories of Appachan especially the convention held at the center in 1993. Also two months ago seeing him at Green Park.
    He has fulfilled his ministry and has gone to be with the Lord. We praise the Lord for his life.
    Simon Samuel and family, NTC, Dehradun

  195. Richard Khan, Auxiliary SecretaryApril 30, 2011 at 4:04 AM

    As you commit the mortal remains of your father, Rev. K. T. Thomas we would like to express our prayerful and heartfelt condolences to you, your family members and the IPCNR family.
    Although we have had hardly any contact or association with Rev. Thomas we know that he had devoted his life for the spread of the Gospel adn the extension of God's kingdom under the banner of IPC.
    But through you and Pr, Laji Paul we BSI here in New Delhi have been privileged in providing Bibles and biblical literature for number of years. We value this partnership in the Gospel and your support in recent times like celebrating Bible Sunday.
    May God's abiding presence,comfort strengthen and sustain you all as you go through this time of bereavement with a sure knowledge that Rev. K. T. Thomas has entered into His rest from all of his labors, cares and burdens; into an eternal life with His Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ whom he loved and served all his life (Revelation 22:3-5).
    Richard Khan, Auxiliary Secretary Bible Society

  196. Came to know of your Dad's demise this morning. Please accept our heartfelt condolences.

    Grief over the loss of a loved one is quite long lasting. It's now more than two years after I lost my father. Even now, I grieve from time to time when I remember him. It's a very private thing - something others don't get, especially because men are not expected to cry or grieve and because of the rough relationship that most sons share with their fathers!

    May the good Lord comfort all of you.

    You can shed tears that he is gone,
    Or you can smile because he lived,
    You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back,
    Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left.

    Your heart can be empty because you can't see him
    Or you can be full of the love that you shared,
    You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
    Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

    You can remember him and only that he is gone
    Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on,
    You can cry and close your mind be empty and turn your
    Or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes,
    love and go on.
    David Harkins

    Warm regards

    Philip P. Eapen

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